Our Black Friday Week Sale starts Monday 11/25 and ends Monday 12/02. Use coupon code BLK10 for 10% off on your order.
We will be attending the following shows: 9/7 – Craft and Vendor show 9/13 – Wentzville’s Fall Festival 10/19 – Craft Show 11/2 – Holiday Grecian Kitchen 11/9 – All Saints Craft Bazaar 12/6 – Artisan Market 12/7 – Holiday Market
All our olives are now back in stock, including our green olives!!
Olea Estates is home to an increasing number of olive trees that all four generations tend to and work hard to keep alive through droughts and freezes.
Olea olive oil and olives are produced by the Chronis family since 1856 in our own olive orchards in the valley of Sparta, Greece from a single variety of olives. Experience the pure flavor of real extra virgin olive oil from a first cold press, without any blends from other oils or previous harvests and we guarantee you and your family will know the difference.
We cultivate, We harvest, We press, We import, Nobody else interferes
You enjoy
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