Dear Olea friends,

The health and well-being of our valued customers and associates are always our priority. We always follow the guidelines of FDA and CDC, but as we navigate the rapidly evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) situation together, we want to share with you the extra precautions we’re taking to serve you:

  • As you probably know we are a small solely family business (comprised of 4 US working personnel), so the risk of exposure is minimal. Nevertheless, if any of us is sick we are not allowed to enter our facilities for at least 14 days.
  • We always hand wash for 20 seconds, as we enter our facilities and during our work there.
  • We clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • There is always hand sanitizer in our delivery vehicles.

Due to these unforseen circumstances our St Louis store at Maryland Heights is closed and we accept customers only by appointment. You can call us (612-888-6532) or email us to arrange for curbside pickup, or you can place your order through our online store

We continue to monitor the situation and strictly follow the guidelines of WHO and other agencies.

Thank you, stay healthy and be safe!

The Olea Family